Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Is Much More Than Being Neat
Are you compulsively washing and cleaning your hands frequently daily? Do you find yourself checking whether the doors are locked again and again even if there is no good reason to check it? If yes, you might be suffering from obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). And, if you are wondering what obsessive-compulsive disorder is, what its causes are, what its symptoms are, and how to treat it, think no further. Scroll down to learn all about it.

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What is Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder?
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder is an anxiety disorder in which a person experiences persistent unwanted thoughts. This obsession with unwanted thoughts in the mind leads to distress, usually anxiety-provoking, and certain repeated behavior or actions with the compulsion to control the distress and relieve feelings of tension.
A person is unable to control either the thoughts or activities for more than a short period. These activities occur to such a degree that a person’s daily life is negatively affected.
Causes of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder:
Here are some common causes of obsessive-compulsive disorder.
The disorder is genetic and runs in family
Among the psychological factors “theory of suppression” of mental trauma in the past or childhood leading to such chronic anxiety states is one of the main ones.
OCD is usually considered to have both psychological and neurobiological components. Having insufficient levels of serotonin (a neurochemical found in the brain) is one of the neurobiological factors.
Symptoms of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder:
Obsessions: Frequent & persistent thoughts, impulses, or images that are normally experienced as intrusive & senseless. They are usually accompanied by marked anxiety.
Compulsions: They are repetitive behaviors. The persistent thought of e.g.
1.Hands getting contaminated or dirty on touching any objects with frequent washing of the hands
2.Doubts whether the door is closed or not along with checking the door again and again
3.Persistent religious thoughts with excessive praying
4.The presence of impulsive and aggressive thoughts
5.An obsession to have things in proper order at all times
6.Counting or repeating words silently.
Treatment for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder:
2.Cognitive behavioral therapy (exposure and response prevention): It involves teaching the person to deliberately come in contact with the situations that trigger the obsessive thoughts and fears (exposure) without carrying out the usual compulsive act associated with the obsession (response prevention). Thus, gradually learning to tolerate the discomfort and anxiety associated with not performing the ritualistic behavior. The person fairly and quickly habituates to the anxiety-producing situation and discovers that their anxiety levels drop considerably.
3.Medications: Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, clomipramine, and tricyclic antipsychotic are used.
Homeopathic Treatment for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder:
While treating such disorders modern homeopaths, such as psychoanalysts, dig deep into the patient’s psyche. They work on uncovering the sublimated and unconscious nature of psychological disorders and interpretations of how these sublimated psychological patterns contain symbolic representations of transpersonal unconscious materials. They also understand the perspective as to how these impressions are locked into actual physical states. And, they can apply them with success for the relief of persons suffering from OCD.
There are many eminent homeopathic remedies for OCD, but, today, I will be discussing some of the most common top-rated homeopathic medicines that are rampantly used by many homeopaths across the globe.
The medicines given below indicate the therapeutic affinity, but they are not a complete and definite guide to the treatment of this condition. None of these medicines should be taken without professional advice.
1.Arsenicum Album: for persistent thoughts of death
The person who has persistent thoughts of death and thus takes no medicine, as they think that their death is very near and at this stage taking any medicine is of no use may find this homeopathic remedy helpful. Such patients need people around them and cannot remain alone because they feel worse when alone. When the thoughts of death are accompanied by extreme restlessness where the patient jumps out of bed and moves here and there with anxiety, this medicine is indicated.
2.Argentum Nitricum: for impulsive thoughts
This medicine helps treat persistent impulsive thoughts that can have different symptom presentations, such as while traveling in a train with the persistent impulsive thought is to jump out of the window; while crossing a bridge over a river, the constant thought is to jump into the river; or when standing on high buildings, there is the horrific thought of jumping down. The impulsive thoughts make the patient very anxious and restless. This results in extreme and constant walking to get rid of such impulsive thoughts and the person walks till all the strength of the body is lost. Argentum Nitricum is effective in treating such patients with OCD.
3.Nux Vomica, Arsenicum Album and Carcinosinum: for Obsessive compulsory disorder with a tendency to put everything in order

Nux Vomica helps treat the patients who are oversensitive, careful, and angry who demand all the things done as they want and easily get angry if the order is not followed.

Arsenicum Album is recommended to the patients who are very conscious about the order of the things and cannot rest if the things are not in their proper place. This compulsion can go to such an extent that even if a painting hanging on the wall is slightly tilted, the mind does not rest till it is properly placed and the patient leaves every other work for this. Such patients also demand neatness in clothing.
Carcinosinum helps treat the patients who are very concerned about the cleanliness and want a specific pattern to be followed not only in placing things, but also in their dressing style. For instance, they always like color matching while dressing up and also when decorating the room. They demand perfection in every work done to such an extent that it does not seem or look normal.
4.Natrum Muriaticum – for a compulsion to check locked doors repeatedly
This homeopathic medicine helps treat the patients who are obsessed with the idea that thieves may strike and repeatedly check the locks of doors. The obsession is so persistent that the patient even has dreams of thieves in the house and wakes up to check the doors again and again.
5.Syphilinum and Medorrhinum – for obsessive-compulsive disorder with the compulsion of washing hands

These homeopathic medicines help treat the patients who feel the compulsion to wash their hands again and again due to the persistent thought of getting their hands contaminated or dirty by touching any object. Such patients feel that germs are present on every object and get into the habit of washing hands at very short intervals, without giving any consideration to other important work in their lives.
6.Silicea – for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder with thoughts of pins

Silicea helps treat the patients who have the persistent thought of pins and fearing pins, look for, collect, and even count pins again and again.
7.Calcarea Carbonica – for persistent thought of going mad or insane

This homeopathic remedy helps treat patients who are mentally exhausted and constantly think of going mad or insane. This thought of going mad prevails in the patient’s mind day and night and he or she is unable to put it aside even during sleep. When this fear of going mad leads to great distress and, to overcome it, the patient leaves all pending work aside and keeps himself or herself busy in breaking sticks or bending pins, this remedy may help him obtain relief.

8.Stramonium and Pulsatilla: for with persistent religious thoughts
Both these homeopathic medicines are equally good in tackling the persistent religious thoughts in the patients where the patient constantly thinks about religion, reads holy books all the time, and is almost always praying.
So, if you or any of your near and dear ones happen to suffer from obsessive-compulsive disorder, count on homeopathy without a second thought to treat the condition and obtain relief.

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