After a long spell of the scorching summer heat, we often look forward to a relief by expecting delightful monsoons which bring with it the intoxicating fragrance of rain on the dry land, the lush green freshly bathed pleasant trees, and, of course, the coolness of the enchanting breeze. However, just like any other season, monsoon also comes with certain skin problems.

Monsoon tends to trigger excessive oil secretion in your body that may make you experience itching which may make you suffer from hair and skin related issues, disorders, and bacterial and fungal infections. With an increase in the humidity levels, fungal infections, intertrigo, ringworms, skin rashes, urticaria, dermatitis, and eczema irritation become inevitable.

Here are some of the skin problems and infections that are often known to affect people during the monsoons:

  1. Heat Rash: Pimply eruptions occur due to prickly heat. When you suffer from excessive sweating in the monsoon, it makes your skin pores to clog and gives rise to prickly heat and red eruptions on the skin increasing your discomfort.


  • Prickly heat will vanish in some days unless scratching the developed rash happens to cause infection.
  • Prefer to wear loose and light-colored cotton and linen clothing.
  • Calamine lotion may help you obtain a relief from itching.
  1. Acne: Usually, acne occurs when hair follicles are clogged with dead skin cells and oil from the skin.


  • Do not wash your face more than two times daily by using a mild soap and warm water, particularly for acne.
  • Use noncomedogenic cosmetics
  • Try to keep your skin cool and dry to prevent sweating.

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Life Force Homeopathy

  1. Eczema: It is a non-contagious health condition characterized by skin inflammation, redness, and itchiness. The affected area of eczema affected skin turns to be rough and cracked with the formation of blisters.


  • Coconut oil is beneficial for skin diseases resulting due to the rains.
  • Have a teaspoon of turmeric every day. Curcumin, which is a popular antioxidant present in turmeric, tends to safeguard your skin by neutralizing free radicals and minimizing the wound-healing span.
  1. Psoriasis: It is a skin condition in which the red patches of various sizes tend to develop on your skin that is covered with dry, silvery scales.


  • Aloe vera is a highly beneficial remedy for treating various skin problems and skin diseases resulting due to the rains.
  • Follow some effective home remedy, such as the application of a mixture of gram flour, milk, and rose water.
  • Use anti-bacterial soaps, talcum powder, and face wash.
  1. Fungal Infections:

              a) Ringworm: Ringworm is usually described as a skin infection causing a red, scaly patch or bump that itches. Over a period of time, the bump turns into a ring or circle-shaped patch affecting your skin, hair, and nails.


    • Keep your skin clean and dry.
    • Use cotton clothes
    • Don’t share your clothes or towels with someone who has ringworm

              b) Jock Itch: Jock Itch is usually described as a flat, red itchy rash which appears on your inner thigh and then it spreads outward in a peculiar circular pattern. It clears in the center. You may find that the border of the ring is usually raised and bright red in color, and, furthermore, it can spread to both the genital as well as anal areas.


    • Go for bathing or have a shower right away after a workout. Avoid using antibacterial and deodorant soaps.
    • Apply powder to the skin between your leg and groin.
  1. c) Athlete’s Foot: A contagious fungal infection which is known to affect the skin mostly around the feet and toenails (the fungus grows on the feet) resulting in itching and blisters formation. The affected skin and toenails appear rough, cracked, and, at times, even discolored. This painful fungal infection usually occurs due to the ill-fitting and wet shoes.


  • Avoid wearing plastic shoes or canvas or leather shoes. Instead, go for flip-flops and slippers as they make your feet feel comfortable as they let the feet to breathe.
  • Make sure you keep your feet clean and dry and wear washed cotton socks

Prevention is better than cure is a universal fact. People are more susceptible to infections due to the change in temperature and the exposure to the increased humidity. Homeopathy has a broader spectrum than anything else when it comes to dealing with the monsoon madness. It is very beneficial as it boosts your immunity and speeds up your body’s healing processes to fight against these infections Homeopathy offers satisfying and safe results when dealing with all the above skin conditions during monsoons.

–  Written by Dr. Sneha, Associate doctor to Dr. Rajesh Shah

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