A migraine is a discomforting one-sided headache in which the person feels a severe throbbing headache on either side of the head. Migraine causes difficulty in concentrating and disturbances in day-to-day activities. During the pain episode, the person experiences severe pulsation. Recurrent attacks of headache occur, and every episode of headache is marked by variable grades of frequency, duration, and intensity. In this blog, the basic information about migraine and the efficacy of the homeopathic approach is explained.

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Prevalence of Migraine:
Females more commonly suffered from migraines than males because of the hormonal changes that occur in various stages of the life and prominent predisposition of family history. Family history is present in more than 90% of cases.
What are the Types of Migraine?
There are two types of migraines. One type is preceded by an aura. An aura is a phenomenon that appears just before the onset of migraine headaches. It takes 5-15 minutes for the onset and may even last for an hour.
1.Migraine preceded by an aura
This is called classical migraine where a migraine attack is preceded by neurological symptoms, such as vision disturbances. This aura lasts for one hour and is followed by headache and nausea. The patient may experience photophobia, seeing colored patterns, or blurred vision. The patient may also experience an altered perception of seeing objects. Tingling or numbness felt in the limbs or other body parts may also affect the patient. Headache may last for 2-3 days with discomfort.

2.Migraine without Aura

This type of migraine mostly occurs in women. Migraine headache is marked episodically, headache may be due to the sensitivity of sensory organs, such as light, noise, or odor, or due to stress or euphoria. Headache may be associated with nausea, vomiting, intolerance to light, noise, and odor.
Other Types of Migraine
There are some other types of migraine such as:
1.Retinal migraine
2.Benign paroxysmal vertigo of childhood
3.Ophthalmoplegic migraine
4.Basilar migraine


Migraine pain originates from the cranial tissues. It is associated with extra-cranial vasodilatation and the aura preceded by the intra-cranial vasoconstriction.


Diagnosis of Migraine:
Diagnosis of migraine is mainly based on the patient’s history such as
Chronic illness
Family history of migraine

What are the Causes of Migraine?
The exact cause of migraines is not yet known, but it is believed to be a psychosomatic disorder.
It can be managed by various types of triggering factors that differ from person to person
1.Emotional Triggers:
A constant state of anxiety or stress leads to precipitate an attack.

2.Dietary Triggers:
Certain kinds of foods, such as over ripen fruits, old dated cheese, and wines containing Tyramine, or irregular meals trigger an attack of the migraine.

3.Hormonal Triggers:
Hormonal fluctuations, such as high levels of estrogen, trigger the increased frequency of migraine attacks. Women experience migraines more than males because of hormonal fluctuations in various phases of life, such as menopause, pregnancy, and menses.

4.Genetic predisposition

5.Strong odor

Various other factors, such as a lack of sleep, overexertion both mentally and physically, birth control pills, hormone replacement therapy, and weather changes to the extreme, may also trigger a migraine headache.
Symptoms of Migraine:
Some of the most common prevailing symptoms of migraine are:
1.Frequent Headache
2.Headache on unilateral location
3.Headache is moderate to severe
4.Throbbing and pulsating headache
5.Associated with nausea and vomiting
6.Sensitive to the light, noise, or odor
7.Headache lasting from an hour to 3-4 days
8.Aggravation on walking or going upstairs
9.Visual disturbances

How Homeopathic Treatment helps Migraine:
Migraine is a psychosomatic disorder where headache gets worse due to the fluctuation in an emotional state, such as due to anger, stress, frustration, and worry. Homeopathic medicines promptly act on the mental status of a person and treat his ailments effectively. Homeopathy is based on the principle of similimum, and the medicine is prescribed based on the symptoms-similarity where the symptom of the patient matches the symptom of medicine. And, for this purpose, the patient’s physical and mental status is considered while case-taking along with symptoms totality.
Homeopathic treatment not only reduces the severity of your migraine but also reduces the dependency on conventional treatment. Homeopathic treatment depends on the severity, intensity, and frequency of migraine attacks. And, the treatment may require six months to two years or longer for long-lasting recovery. Homeopathic medicine is not like conventional treatment, which depends on analgesics. It treats the individual and addresses the root cause of the, thereby promoting long-lasting relief.

Homeopathic Remedies for Migraine:
Here are some effective homeopathic remedies for migraines.
Natrum nur
o This medicine is used for anemic headache
o It is best suited for treating migraine in young girls, who often get a headache.
o Ailments resulting due to long-lasting grief and stress indicate this medicine
o This medicine is best suited for treating violent migraine headache with throbbing and pulsating sensation.
o The pain in the temporal region indicate Belladonna
o It is indicated for treating the congestive type of headache when there is a rush of blood from the body to the head.
o Redness of the face with a hot head indicate this remedy.
o This medicine is indicated for treating the right-sided migraine
o When the pain starts in the back of the head from the occiput and settles into the right eye, Sanguinaria is recommended.
o Distention of veins of the head and temporal region indicate this remedy.
o It is indicated for the left-sided migraine.
o It is recommended when the migraine pain settles over the left eye.
sensation as if there is a tight band around the head indicates this remedy.
oWhen the pain turns worse by motion and touch, Spigelia may help.

Conventional treatment for migraine:
Here are some medicines that are a part of the conventional treatment for migraines.
Calcium channel blockers
Sodium Valproate
Ergotamine derivatives
Tip to prevent or curb migraine:
Try to avoid things that trigger your headache. For this purpose, you need to avoid known or suspecting triggering factors, such as stress, certain food items, medication.

Based on the clinical experiences, homeopathic treatment is the best recommended for migraines. As per our experience in treating the patients of migraine at Life Force, we have witnessed that, the frequency and intensity of migraine attacks can be reduced with the help of homeopathic medicines. With homeopathy, the need for conventional treatment is also reduced. Don’t believe in any myths or false information and get demoralized. Consult and listen to the doctors at Life Force Homeopathy for the correct diagnosis and get the effective treatment to get rid of the discomfort of migraines. With Dr. Rajesh Shah’s research-proven medicines, lots of cases have been treated excellently all over the world.
For more information and consultation, visit www.lifeforce.in

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