Back pain is one of the most common health issues which affect several individuals throughout the world. Any individual in his lifetime might experience this condition at least once. Most of the back pain usually occurs due to the official sitting postures and other occupational reasons. Also, calcium and other nutrient deficiency can cause pain in the back. Structural deformities in the bone structure may require surgery for relief from pain. Fortunately, following some lifestyle modifications and home remedies can help you obtain relief in back pain. And, if you are keen on knowing the causes, symptoms, and home remedies for back pain, get answers to all your questions by reading this blog below.

Causes of Back Pain:
Here are some common causes of backache.
1.The strain of muscles or ligaments: Weight lifting or a sudden awkward movement may lead to strained back muscles and ligaments. It may also lead to muscle spasms. And, this may make you suffer from discomforting back pain.

2. Intervertebral disc prolapse: This condition is also called IVDP in short. Normally, the disc acts as a soft cushion for the individual vertebrae bones in the spine. Within the structure of the vertebrae, the spinal nerves are situated well-protected. In disease conditions, the intervertebral disc may show some prolapse, thereby leading to the pressing of these nerves causing intense pain in the areas where it has a nerve supply. This may cause intense back pain along with sciatica with stabbing, throbbing pain.

3.Osteoarthritis: Osteoarthritis of the spine and vertebrae leading to degeneration may also cause narrowing of the spinal canal. This can result in nerve compression. This condition is also called spinal stenosis. And, it can make you suffer from pain in the back.

4.Skeletal irregularities: Back pain is very common when the backbone has skeletal structural abnormalities, such as spine curves. Scoliosis is one such condition. Usually, it is unbearable if scoliosis is much severe.

5.Osteoporosis: The bones become brittle and porous, thereby leading to a degeneration of the bones causing structural changes that may lead to nerve compression. Back pain due to osteoporosis is quite common in elderly individuals, which is in individuals after 55 to 60 years of age.

Risk Factors of Back Pain:
Here are some risk factors which can cause back pain.
Excess weight leading to obesity.
People with physiological issues, such as anxiety and depression, are more prone to it.
After middle age.
Working postures.
Nutritional deficits.

Symptoms of Back Pain:
Here are some common symptoms of back pain.
Muscle ache
Pain radiating to the lower hips and legs called sciatica.
Shooting, stabbing pain.
Limitations in the movements causing a low range of motion in the respective joints.
Inability to stand straight.
Difficulty in ascending steps and while changing the sitting and standing postures.
Inability to lift and carry weight due to pain.
Feeling of cramps over abdominal muscles in advanced cases.
Radiating pains.

Lifestyle Modifications and Home Remedies:
Certain lifestyle modifications and home remedies can help you obtain relief in back pain.
1. Exercise: Regularized low impact aerobic exercises that will not strain back muscles and ligaments can help you obtain relief in back pain. Walking and swimming are good exercises to alleviate your discomfort.

2. Build Muscle Strength and Flexibility: Abdominal and back muscles help the individual in increasing core strength like a natural corset for the back. Flexibility is also important in the hips, and upper legs usually align with your pelvic bones. Consulting a healthcare professional will help you to maintain good flexible muscles in the back.

3. Maintain a Healthy Weight: Being overweight or obese increases your risk of suffering from back pain. So, work on maintaining a healthy weight. Following a balanced diet and performing exercises regularly can help you maintain a healthy weight.

4. Avoid Standing for Long: A person standing for a long period should be aware of the weight being concentrated in the low back. So, if you need to stand for a long time, have frequent intervals with occasional flexible movements to prevent sprain and fatigue of muscles. A neutral pelvic position can help mitigate back pain.

5. Sitting Smart Upright: Follow correct sitting postures. Sit straight upright. Do not slouch on the couch.

6. Lift Objects Properly: Depending on the weight you can lift without causing any pain, lift various objects properly. Do not bend and lift the object which is at a distance. Go near the object, and lift it when it is close to you. Based on your core strength of the individual, lift the appropriate object. Avoid lifting heavyweights.

I hope this blog is informative and helpful to you. All these lifestyle changes can help you obtain relief in your backache. So, follow these helpful tips if you happen to suffer from back pain at any time.
-Written by Dr. Vinay Ram, Associate doctor to Dr. Rajesh Shah

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