In the era of selfies, each one of us aspires to have flawless skin like those of celebrities, which indirectly boosts our self-confidence & makes us more presentable.

But, most of us happen to experience the dismay of having undesirable acne, which is commonly known as a Pimple, at some point of our life, which makes many of us hide our skin from others and fear embarrassment. Many people are self-obsessed about their look or appearance. And, the presence of acne affects your skin and appearance adversely.

To get rid of this acne, people try various remedial measures without a doctor’s consultation that may lead to missing out on diagnosing an underlying disease. Mostly, acne or pimple breaks out during the puberty phase, which usually settles as your phase of being a teen ends. If not resolved, it continues to affect us adversely us resulting in Adult Acne. Many people surrender without treating their acne & land up with low self-confidence, inferiority complex, anxiety, nervousness, & even depression & vanish into oblivion. This blog will throw some light on how to deal with this condition and what to do and what not to do to get rid of this Adult Acne.

What Is Acne/Pimple?
A clogged pore of the sebaceous glands on the skin, with an overriding bacterial infection, leads to acne.
It may simply be a whitehead or blackhead, where the skin does not discharge anything from it.
Here are some forms of acne.

  • Pustular form: Pus is discharged from it.
  • Nodular form: Acne is painful & hard with pus discharge.
  • Acne Rosacea: Acne accompanied with a lot of redness is called Acne Rosacea.
  • Acne Vulgaris: In Acne Vulgaris, acne blocks the hair follicles too.


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Causes of Adult Acne & How To Deal With It:

Some of the causes of Adult Acne are mentioned below.

  1. Stress:

Almost everyone is down with some sort of stress in their day-to-day life in this competitive world, to reach on time, to outperform the other, to stand out from the rest in the crowd, to leave a mark on the society, to be extraordinary, leading to stress which may be in the form of personal, professional, emotional, or physical stress. So, take a chill pill. 

  1. Unhealthy Diet:

Unhealthy eating habits, such as eating junk food, has influenced most of us. Binge eating on diet, which comprises chips, burgers, pizza, cakes, pastries, aerated sugar-loaded beverages, candies, ice-creams, and other junk food, loaded with calories much more than daily requirement & comprises other metabolically harmful substances lead to digestive, metabolic, & hormonal imbalances leading to acne.
Avoiding junk food or limiting it to a minimum and opting for a vegan diet, can resolve this factor, preventing a flare-up of Acne and controlling the excess of acne. So, avoid junk food, go vegan. 

  1. Less Or Inadequate Water intake:

Water is a very essential carrier of nutrition to the nooks & corners of the body & also equally responsible to flush out the unwanted waste out of the body, mainly through the sweat & urine.
Normally, adults of both the genders should preferably have water/fluids up to two liters/day. In the summers, it may increase invariably depending on the physical activity or the A/C non-A/C environment. So, stay hydrated, stay fresh. 

  1. Lack Of Sleep:

Gadgets, such as mobiles & television, have stolen away our hobbies from us. Being too addictive to them deprives us of our sleep. Often, we are ready to sacrifice our body’s resting time for the momentary pleasures of using these gadgets, leading to the total destruction of our biological clock, & Acne is one of the outcomes. So, have a continuous and enough sound sleep. 

  1. Digestion Problems:

Lack of sleep, poor dietary habits, low water intake, and unhealthy habits lead to digestive disturbances in your body causing the accumulation of the metabolic waste in the body & Acne. Set your biological clock right. 

  1. Lack Of Exercise:

Lack of exercise leads to poor metabolism in the body causing Acne.
The gym is not the only option. Any outdoor sport, such as badminton, where you need not have a group of people or major investment. A brisk walk, jogging, walking to your workplace, taking the stairs instead of the elevators & escalators, dancing, swimming, or even skipping at home may suffice as your daily exercise. A little stroll a day may provide beautiful experiences in this otherwise hectic life. Pick up your sports shoes & practice some exercises. 

  1. Smoking & Drinking:

Strictly, follow no smoking and no drinking. Ideally, there are various other ways to enjoy life. The bad indulgence will lead to the worst outcome only. Be a teetotaler.

  1. Unhygienic Condition:

Maintaining hygienic condition is too very important. Failing to do so, undoubtedly, will lead to acne & other skin diseases. Take a shower daily.

  1. Use Of Plenty Of Cosmetics

Masking your true-self with the cosmetics to look beautiful may some time lead to clogging of the skin pores leading to acne.
Washing your skin with a face wash twice a day is sufficient, otherwise, wash your face with plain water additionally, if required.
Do not get mesmerized with the products aired on the television, as some may suit you some may not. So, avoid experimenting with your skin too much. Let it breathe. Try healthier options, such as natural Aloe Vera and a good healthy diet & lifestyle, for refreshingly glowing skin. Beauty is eternal, if internal.

  1. Premenstrual:

Many females suffer from acne in their premenstrual phase, which is due to the hormonal changes in the body for that period, which subsides on its own,
If it’s severe, medical help is advised. Just sit back & relax for the period.

  1. Dandruff:

Dandruff too is a prominent cause of acne. Washing your hair frequently will help reduce dandruff. Shampoo not too often but when required. Dandruff, if severe, calls for medical help. See a Doctor for your itchy scalp.

  1. OCP:

Oral contraceptive pills taken for a prolonged period may lead to hormonal imbalances in the body & may lead to acne. IUCDs are a safe & healthier option.

  1. PCOD:

Many females suffer from PCOD (Polycystic ovarian disease).
This leads to hormonal imbalances in the body, menstrual irregularities, acne, & even facial hair growth in females. So, visit your Gynae as soon as possible.

  1. UAT/Hypothyroid:

Underactive Thyroid/ Hypothyroid is an autoimmune disease, where your thyroid gland fails to produce the thyroid hormones adequately, Thyroid hormones control your body’s metabolism, & the other hormonal imbalances may result due to this condition, leading to acne. So, seek medical attention. 

  1. Poor Liver Health-

Liver checks the metabolism in our body. Poor dietary habits, lack of exercise, & alcoholism may lead to improper liver function & metabolic disturbances, and this may lead to acne too. So, detoxify your body. 

Also Read: – 10 Best Foods to Treat Acne

Seek Medical Help:

Homeopathy offers excellent treatment for acne & the underlying causes mentioned above in brief.
Apart from following the Do’s & Don’ts to deal with acne, medical help is necessary to correct the imbalances in the body; & Homeopathy provides gentle, effective, & a permanent solution to Acne & its underlying causes. In Homeopathy, Life Force Homeopathy clinic is the pioneer institute headed by Dr. Rajesh Shah, M.D, with an experience of more than 34 years in this field, where highly advanced research-based molecules are prescribed to treat the chronic, Long-standing, and non-responsive cases which are documented to be treated & relieved in a relatively shorter period with efficacy. So, get a new life for your skin with Homeopathy. 

Written by Dr. Aditya Atholi, Associate doctor to Dr. Rajesh Shah



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