best-time-to-exercise-Morning-or-EveningToday every body is aware about the importance of exercise. Doctors continuously advise to follow a regular exercise routine. But the question arises when? Morning or evening — when is the best time to exercise? Well, that depends on when is the best time for you.

The truth is that there’s no reliable evidence to suggest that calories burn more efficiently at certain time of the day. However, time of the day may influence how you feel when you exercise. Using your body clock as a guide to decide when to go for a walk or hit the gym seems like a good idea. But, of course, there are other considerations, such as family and work schedule, or a friend’s availability to walk with you.

“Research suggests in terms of performing a consistent exercise habit, individuals who exercise in the morning tend to do better,” says Cedric Bryant, PhD, chief science officer with the American Council on Exercise in San Diego. “The thinking is that they get their exercise in before other time pressures interfere,” Bryant says. “I usually exercise at 6 a.m., because no matter how well-intention I am, if I don’t exercise in the morning, other things will squeeze it out.”

He recommends that if you exercise in the morning, when the body temperature is lower, you should allow more time to warm up than you would later in the day. However, if you’ve suffered insomnia the night before, it might seem difficult jumping out of bed and hitting the treadmill. Good and regular bedtime habits can help you beat insomnia which includes winding down before bedtime.

Advantages of exercising in morning:

  • It is easier to follow high-volume training systems
  • Your hormones are working to your advantage
  • It leaves time for other priorities
  • You will be more focused when you reach office or school
  • You will be less likely to skip your workout
  • Your metabolic rate will receive a quick boost
  • You wont face as many distractions
  • Your mood will improve

Disadvantages of exercising in morning:

  • During the night, your body uses up your stores of glycogen, the main energy source for your body. When you wake up, it takes a few hours and a carbohydrate-rich meal to replenish these energy stores. Exercising in the morning is often preferred since without glycogen your body breaks down fat for energy. However, this breakdown is less efficient and athletes often face fatigue much earlier than if they worked out later in the day.
  • Working out first thing in the morning does not promote muscle building.
  • There is risk of injury as chances are you`re not completely awake .
  • Evening workouts are often considered to be positive alternatives for those who want to begin or maintain an exercise routine and make the time to add some physical fitness at the end of their long busy day.

Benefits of exercising in evening:

  • Ensures better sleep: Working out in the evening will ensure that you sleep well. Workouts in the evening might seem invigorating initially and then will slowly lead to a sense of restfulness. The physical exercise will expend your energy and will prepare your body for a night of complete rest.
  • You don’t have to deal with the morning rush: The best part about working out in the evenings is that you have more time for yourself in the mornings before you go out for work. Since it is difficult for working people to incorporate workout hours in the morning, evenings are the ideal time.
  • More of recreation: Evening workouts usually don’t seem very tiring because it’s more of recreation. Evening workouts are more of a stress buster and you can also catch up with your buddies on a regular basis.
  • Burn more calories: One of the best points of working out in the evening is that you can burn more calories, after all the eating that you’ve done throughout the day.

Disadvantages of exercising in evening:

  • If you exercise too close to bed time, you may find it more difficult to fall asleep.
  • Sometimes low energy level after stressful job thus, low enthusiasm at evening.
  • Because of busy schedule sometimes you do not get proper time for exercise.

Finding Your Own Best Time to Exercise

Work out in the morning for a few weeks, then try noon, then early evening. Which do you enjoy most and which makes you feel best afterwards? Also, consider the type of exercise and other daily commitments.
“Most of all, find a time that helps you make your exercise a regular, consistent part of your life,” says Aldana, a professor of lifestyle medicine in the department of exercise sciences at Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah. “This is more important than the time of the day.”




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