Are you experiencing water eyes? Is constant sneezing and nasal affecting your quality of life? If yes, you might be suffering from allergic rhinitis. And, if you are wondering what allergic rhinitis is, what its symptoms are, and how can you treat it effectively and safely, wonder no more. Keep reading to learn all about it.

Allergic rhinitis may seem like a very trivial disease but it is very annoying and disturbing for those who are suffering from it. It is also known as hay fever in western countries. As the name suggests, allergic rhinitis is an allergic disease. There might be a range of allergens that a person may be allergic to, and, after getting exposed to these allergens, one may suffer from allergic rhinitis. The allergens include dust, mites, pollens, etc.

Symptoms of Allergic Rhinitis:
A person suffering from allergic rhinitis gets frequent episodes of the cold and fever. The affected individual may experience constant sneezes or running nose, which can lead to an obstructed feeling in the nose along with a headache. It may affect your work and interfere with your daily routine.
The areas that allergic rhinitis affects are the nose, mucous membrane of the mouth, the throat, and, sometimes, the lungs if the congestion increases causing bronchospasm.
It causes the inflammation of the lining of the mucous membrane of the nose. This causes irritation which leads to sneezing and running nose. The bouts of sneezes can be up to 15-20 sneezes at a time. Some may experience it for a few hours, whereas some may experience it the whole day.

Types of Allergic Rhinitis:
Allergic rhinitis may be seasonal or perennial.
1.Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis: It’s seasonal when it affects the people when the season or climate changes.
2.Perennial Allergic Rhinitis: It’s perennial when it is present throughout the year.

Who Are at the Risk of Suffering From Allergic Rhinitis?
The people who have a history of allergies or family history with either parent suffering from allergies may suffer from allergic rhinitis. Those who live in a humid and damp environment all the time are at a high risk of developing allergic rhinitis.

Diagnosis of Allergic Rhinitis:
Certain allergy tests may help in diagnosing the disease. The skin prick test or patch test, although it is not definitive, can help in diagnosing allergic rhinitis. There is also a blood test named S.IgE which may help in the diagnosis of allergic rhinitis.

Treatment for Allergic Rhinitis:
There are many over-the-counter medications available, such as antihistamines and topical steroids, to treat this health condition. These medications suppress the immune system’s response to the allergens. And, this can also have certain side-effects, such as sedation.
Fortunately, you have homeopathy at your rescue. Homeopathy does not suppress any symptoms. Homeopathy can treat allergic rhinitis safely without producing any side-effects. So, you can always go for homeopathic treatment for allergic rhinitis to obtain relief.

9 Best Homeopathic Remedies for Allergic Rhinitis:
Some of the most used and important homeopathic remedies for allergic rhinitis are listed here:
1. Arsenic album: One of the topmost remedies for allergic rhinitis is Arsenic Album. Excessive sneezing, nasal congestion, and increased thirst indicate this homeopathic remedy. Arsenicum album is indicated for allergic rhinitis when there is profuse, burning nasal discharge; frequent sneezing; watery eyes; and anxiety. Symptoms worsen at night and improve with warmth. The individual may be restless, anxious, and seek perfection.

2. Allium cepa: This is the most common remedy for allergic rhinitis. When the patient suffers from a watery discharge from the nose and the eyes and the discharge from the nose burns the skin around, Allium cepa is recommended. Allium cepa is one of the best homoeopathic medicines for allergic rhinitis and is indicated for allergic rhinitis with profuse, watery nasal discharge that irritates the upper lip and causes red, burning eyes. Sneezing is frequent, and symptoms worsen in warm rooms but improve in open air.

3. Ammonium muriaticum: When the patient experiences obstructed feeling in the nose and a loss of sense of smell, Ammonium muriaticum is indicated. Ammonium muriaticum is indicated for allergic rhinitis with nasal discharge resembling the white of an egg, often causing a raw, sore feeling in the nose. Symptoms include frequent sneezing, blocked nose, and headache. This remedy is particularly useful for individuals with a tendency to nasal congestion and colds that worsen in damp or cold weather.

4. Aralia racemose: Frequent sneezing with marked wheezing indicates this homeopathic remedy. Aralia racemosa is indicated for allergic rhinitis with symptoms like persistent nasal congestion, sneezing, and postnasal drip. The nasal discharge may be thick, and the throat feels irritated. Individuals may experience a sensation of a lump in the throat. This remedy is suitable for those with exacerbated symptoms in open air and at night.

5. Arsenic iodatum: Tingling sensation and irritation in the nose with constant sneezing indicate Arsenic iodatum. Arsenicum iodatum is indicated for allergic rhinitis with symptoms like watery, burning nasal discharge, frequent sneezing, and nasal congestion. Individuals may experience a sense of weakness and anxiety. Symptoms often worsen in open air and improve with warmth. This remedy is suitable for those who feel chilly and have a desire for warmth.

6. Euphrasia: If an individual experiences the burning and watering of the eyes with a runny nose, Euphrasia may help in obtaining relief. Euphrasia is indicated for allergic rhinitis with symptoms such as acrid, burning, and watery discharge from the eyes and nose. Irritation of the conjunctiva, frequent sneezing, and sensitivity to light may be present. Symptoms may worsen in open air and improve indoors. Euphrasia is especially useful for hay fever-related symptoms.

7. Natrum muriaticum: Sneezing with white nasal discharge and dryness of the mouth indicate Natrum muriaticum. Natrum muriaticum is indicated for allergic rhinitis with watery nasal discharge, frequent sneezing, and a sensation of dryness or rawness in the nose. Individuals may experience a headache, especially in the morning. Symptoms may worsen in the sun and improve with fresh air. This remedy is suitable for those with a reserved, sensitive nature.

8. Arundo: This homeopathic remedy can help you obtain relief in the intense burning and itching of the nose and eyes. Arundo is indicated for allergic rhinitis with violent, spasmodic sneezing and itching in the palate and nostrils. Nasal discharge is profuse, watery, and accompanied by an itchy throat. Individuals may experience a burning sensation in the eyes and nose. Symptoms worsen in the open air and improve indoors

9. Sabadilla: Excessive sneezing and a runny nose with cough and headache indicate Sabadilla. Sabadilla is indicated for allergic rhinitis with violent, spasmodic sneezing, especially in rapid succession. Nasal discharge is watery and profuse, accompanied by itching and tickling in the nose and throat. Individuals may experience headaches and feel chilly. Symptoms may worsen in the open air and improve with warmth.

Although the remedies are mentioned here, none of these should be taken without consulting a homeopathic physician.
With the right homeopathic treatment, one can prevent or reduce the symptoms of allergic rhinitis. Allergic rhinitis can be prevented by avoiding the specific allergens one is allergic to. But, that may be difficult.

Besides homeopathic remedies and medications, certain foods can help alleviate the symptoms of allergic rhinitis. These beneficial foods include ginger, citrus fruits, turmeric, onions, honey, etc.

Certain foods that should be avoided when suffering from allergic rhinitis include nuts, certain fruits like melons, cold foods and drinks, foods containing a lot of preservatives, etc.
Taking the right medicines and the right kind of food can prevent those constant sniffles.

Tips to manage allergic rhinitis:

    1)Identify and avoid triggers like pollen, dust, and pet dander.
    2)Keep indoor air clean with air purifiers.
    3)Use allergen-proof bedding and wash sheets regularly.
    4)Stay hydrated to help thin mucus.
    5)Rinse nasal passages with saline solution to alleviate congestion.
    6)Manage stress, as it can exacerbate symptoms.
    7)Consult a healthcare professional for personalized advice and treatment options.

So, if you happen to suffer from allergic rhinitis at any time, opt for homeopathic treatment to treat it, follow the appropriate diet, and avoid the triggers to obtain relief. Enjoy good health.


  1. मैं ने एलर्जी का टेस्ट करवाया 680 %पाया गया जो काफी अधिक है एलोपेथिक दवा भी ली ठीक भी हुआ फिर से खाँसी छींक शुरू हो गया है।

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