obsessive-compulsive-disorderPatients with an illness like asthma or skin diseases often ask their doctor – “What can I do to get rid of this disease?” “I take my medicines and follow my diet – what else can I do?

However, this is rarely the case for people who suffer from OCD or Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. “Doctor, I know I am not supposed to be thinking like this.” “I know I will be ok if I just stop this behaviour.… But I just cannot.”

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is a type of anxiety disorder in which there are uncontrolled, unwanted thoughts leading to repetitive behaviours that one feels compelled to do. If you suffer from OCD, you are most likely aware that your thoughts and deeds are not rational. However, you just cannot get yourself to stop thinking or behaving a particular way. This often leaves you wondering – How to deal with OCD? Are there any other ways to deal with OCD?

Here are a few tips to help you overcome OCD. In addition to your OCD treatment – whether it is homeopathy or cognitive behaviour therapy, following these tips will help in coping with ocd:

Understand the Obsession:

Everyone has certain unwanted, often irrational thoughts that cause them anxiety. Then why doesn’t everyone develop OCD? It is because they understand that these thoughts are not of any significance. There is no need to give any importance to these thoughts or interpret any meaning from these thoughts. Once you realize this, these thoughts will stop having a hold over you, will not create undue anxiety and the thought will not turn into an obsession. Being mindfully aware that the thought of your hands being dirty or that you have left the gas on is just an obsession is the first step.

Try to Postpone the Compulsion:

The activity (compulsion) that you perform in response to the obsessive thought often does nothing for your anxiety. After a short while, the anxiety of the thought comes back and you tend to get back to the compulsive activity. Exposure and Response Prevention is a technique that is often used by therapists to help in coping with ocd. You can expose yourself to the trigger that brings on the obsession and try to avoid engaging in the compulsive behaviour. Tell yourself that the fear will peak at one point and then level off. If you do not give in immediately, the fear will eventually go off on its own. Begin with a delay of just five minutes, then ten, then twenty and so on…The trick is to just hang in there just long enough!

Do Not be too hard on yourself:

Off course, when you expose yourself to the trigger, you will initially not be able to resist the urge. Make a sincere effort everytime you get an obsessive thought. But do not lose heart if you are not always able to resist the compulsion. Slowly try and face the fear for a longer duration each time. Rather than trying to substitute one compulsive action with another, try to continue with your routine activity. Begin with the smallest of your fears and tackle one fear at a time.

Enlist your friends/family’s support:

It can be a daunting task to deal with the frustration, guilt or embarrassment of ocd all by yourself.  One of the best ways to deal with ocd is to enlist the support of a loved one. Discuss your progress with someone is calm, patient, can help you stay focused on the positives and stays away from criticizing or scolding you.

These are a few tips on how to deal with OCD. In addition to these, homeopathic treatment for OCD also helps you overcome your obsessions and compulsions. If you too suffer from any such constant repetitive irrational thoughts, do get in touch with us via the form below. To know more about homoeopathic treatment for OCD at LifeForce Homoeopathy, just give us a call at +91-22-66888888. Our doctors are also available for a chat here. You could also drop in an email to us at info@lifeforce.in



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