Have you developed facial redness? Do you observe any rashes on your face that looking like acne? If yes, you might be suffering from rosacea. And, if you are wondering what rosacea is, what its symptoms and causes are, and how you can treat it gently and safely, think no further. Keep reading this blog to get answers to your queries.

Rosacea can be defined as a chronic vascular disorder predominantly affecting the central area of the face, manifesting with persistent erythema (redness), telangiectasia (dilated tiny blood vessels), and punctuated (marked with minute spots or depressions) episodes with inflammation. It, sometimes, may also present with small pus-filled pimples. The blood vessels in the face get damaged due to repeated dilatation. The nose appears very red and bulbous which is known as Rhinophyma in some severe cases. The rosacea episodes may remain for weeks to months and then vanishes after a while. It usually affects middle-aged women and people who are fair-skinned or have a light complexion. It leads to a lack of confidence, psychological stress, social isolation, and, in some cases, permanent changes in the appearance of the nose (bulbous nose). The social distress resulting due to the appearance exceeds the physical symptoms.

The exact cause of rosacea is not yet known but it could be a combination of genetic, involvement of some autoimmune components, and environmental factors leading to a hypersensitive reaction. There is hyperactivity of superficial blood vessels and capillaries to the external stimuli, thereby leading to temporary or persistent facial redness.

Triggering Factors of Rosacea

The common triggering factors of rosacea include emotions (grief, annoyance, guilt, etc.), vigorous exercise, hot baths, sometimes alcohol, smoking, hot weather, indoor heat, sun exposure, very cold temperatures, high humidity, certain skincare products, and cosmetics, long-term use of steroids on the face, spicy foods, hot drinks, caffeine, and menopause.

    11 Signs and Symptoms of Rosacea:

    Here are some common signs and symptoms of rosacea.

    1. Flushing of the facial area
    2. Persistent redness
    3. Visible blood vessels
    4. Bumps and pimples
    5. Raised red patches
    6. Burning and stinging
    7. The irritation of the eyes
    8. Dry rough scaling appearance of the skin
    9. Thickening of the skin
    10. Inflamed eyes and eyelids
    11. Itchy face

    Usually, it doesn’t lead to scarring.

    Conventional Treatment for Rosacea:

    In the conventional line of treatment, there is no cure for rosacea. Certain measures include facial skincare recommendations, photoprotection, topical agents, antibiotics, and laser therapy.

    Role of Homeopathy in Rosacea:

    Homeopathy treatment for acne rosacea helps in treating chronic cases of recurrent issues and flare-ups.

    Homeopathic medicines help to reduce the redness and the excessive sensitivity of the skin. They help to heal small pus-filled pimples and prevent scarring. The resistance or self-healing power is enhanced by Homeopathic medicines; therefore, the tendency to have flare-ups reduces gradually once the immune system of a person is strengthened. Homeopathy helps to improve this hypersensitive response to the stimuli by treating the root cause. Thus, it helps reduce the frequency, intensity, and severity of rosacea episodes. Also, homeopathic medicines act on the emotional level to help you deal with negative emotions and experience recovery, as persistent negative thinking may hamper the immune system further. Homeopathy is 100% safe and free from any side effects.

    When following homeopathic treatment, it is advisable to wait for at least 8-10 weeks in case of chronic rosacea to experience positive results. You need to continue the regimen for a longer time. To treat it at the root level, it takes at least 8 months to 1 year of continuous Homeopathic treatment. The duration of the treatment differs from patient to patient depending on the chronicity of the disease; the severity of the complaint, type of medicines used so far, any associated disease if any, and genetic link of the same if any.

    5 Homeopathic Remedies for Rosacea:

    Here are some of the best medicines for homeopathic medicines for acne rosacea that must be considered to reduce the symptoms of acne rosacea.

    Some common homeopathic medicines for Rosacea:

    1. Lachesis:

    Lachesis is one of the main remedies for rosacea. When the patient experiences flushing of the face with heat and itching which is worse after going in the sun, heat of the room, or in the hot atmospheres, this remedy is indicated. It is usually recommended to females at the change of life phase that is during puberty. The skin complaints may turn worse before menses and gradually settle once the flow of menses starts. The skin may become so sensitive that it cannot bear anything tight, particularly around the neck. Also, Lachesis is best suitable to the patient who is highly talkative, jealous, aggressive, and competitive.


    1. Eugenia Jambos:

    It is indicated for a flushed face with small indurated acne. The acne is painful usually for some distance around i.e. acne on the circumference.


    1. Psorinum:

    When rosacea is marked on the forehead, upper lip, and around the neck, Psorinum is indicated. It is recommended when the rosacea patient experienced burning and itching of the skin. In Psorinum patients, the rosacea gets worse in cold weather, they are extremely sensitive to cold temperature. The skin looks unhealthy, oily, and dirty and sometimes the skin may be extremely dry. The acne may take time to heal, and slow healing is characteristic of Psorinum.  When rosacea worsens from the intake of coffee and also change of weather from cold to hot sunshine, this medicine is indicated.


    1. Calcarea silicata:

    Calcarea silicata is indicated for a flushed face with heat, particularly on the chin. This remedy is effective in treating complaints that develop gradually and take a long time for final development for the skin ailment. It is equally important for treating pus-filled pimples. When you develop sensitive skin with itching and burning, this remedy may help. The typical Calcarea silicata patients lack confidence and are irresolute and fearful.


    1. Bovista Lycoperdon:

    Bovista is effective in treating skin that causes eruptions, and it also acts on the circulation in rosacea patients who develop skin discomfort after slight irritation. When rosacea may appear after the use of cosmetics and in the summer season, this remedy is indicated. It helps treat the flushed skin having with swelling, particularly on the cheeks, with itching.

    16 Skincare Tips to Follow:

    Here are some common skincare tips that you can follow to prevent or manage rosacea and enjoy good skin health.

    1. Avoid precipitating factors.
    2. Choose cosmetics for make-up carefully.
    3. Avoid astringents, toners, and abrasive exfoliators.
    4. Avoid cosmetics that contain alcohol, menthols, camphor, fragrance, peppermint, and eucalyptus oil.
    5. Avoid heavy foundations. Also, prefer avoiding waterproof cosmetics that are difficult to remove without physical scrubbing or solvents.
    6. Practice relaxation techniques to alleviate your stress
    7. Quit smoking and avoid having alcohol
    8. Use of soap-free face wash which is a ph. balanced
    9. Use lukewarm water to wash the face.
    10. Gently use a facewash with fingertips to avoid further irritating the skin
    11. Use sunscreens with SPF > 50
    12. Sunscreen creams containing the physical barriers titanium dioxide and/or zinc oxide are usually well-tolerated and offer good results.
    13. Use cosmetics and sunscreens that contain protective silicones. Silicones improve the performance of sunscreen and cosmetics. Silicones are best known for their aesthetics use.
    14. The water-soluble facial powder containing inert green pigments helps to neutralize the perception of erythema.
    15. Use moisturizers containing glycerine.
    16. In case of eye involvement, use artificial tea.


    Now that you know how effective homeopathy is in treating rosacea, opt for it without a second thought when you experience any symptoms of the condition. Enjoy good skin health.

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