In Life Force, we have observed so many women experiencing either hair loss, acne, or infertility for years without even knowing that they had PCOS. Most of them learn that they have PCOS in their 20s and 30s when they start visiting a specialist for their infertility problem. A lot of women misread the signs of PCOS by assuming it as normal and will pass by time. Like Diabetes mellitus, PCOS is also a Silent disorder.

As per the medical studies, it estimated that about 10 million females throughout the world suffer from PCOS. Today, in India, 1 out of every 5 women is a PCOD patient. There is a rampant increase in the number of cases of PCOS in the last few years. Our fast, modern lifestyle is one of the important reasons for the increased cases of PCOD. It is most common between the age of 15 to 44, and girls as young as 11 can get it.

PCOS is a complex hormonal, metabolic disorder common among the women and girls of reproductive age, and it may affect their overall health and appearance. As the name says, the ovaries of women with the disease characteristically contain a large number of small cysts (small fluid-filled sacs). Hence, the name polycystic ovary.


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8 Signs & Symptoms Of PCOS:

The common signs and symptoms of PCOS are as below. 

1) Unpredictable Menstrual Cycles:

The high levels of male hormones and insulin resistance disrupt the menstrual cycle and ovulation. The most common symptom of PCOS is irregular menstrual period, which includes absent periods, periods that are too frequent, or infrequent, prolonged or heavy menses. The average menstrual cycle is 28 days, but it can differ with every woman and can be anywhere between 21 to 35 days. The menstrual cycle is considered irregular when periods are longer than 35 days or eight or fewer menstrual cycles per year. Women with PCOS during the menstrual cycle may have heavier or lighter bleeding.

2) Gaining Weight Without A Cause & You Don’t Know Why:

80% of adult patients with PCOS are overweight or obese. The main reason for weight gain is Insulin resistance. Insulin is the hormone that takes care of converting your consumed food into energy, but, in insulin resistance, the body cells don’t respond to the effect of insulin because of which there is an increase in the blood sugar levels. In turn, again, to push the glucose from the blood into cells, there is an increase in insulin, so as a result of insulin resistance there is a buildup of sugar and insulin in the bloodstream. The weight gain is particularly around the abdomen, and high levels of insulin lead to an increase in male hormones. And, these male hormones tend to increase the weight, particularly around the abdomen.

3) Difficulty in Getting Pregnant:

As said, many women are not aware that they are suffering from PCOS until they start seeing their doctor for there fertility issues. PCOS is challenging as there is no ovulation happening in the ovary. In a female body, every month a very beautiful process happens. The ovary helps in the maturation and release of the female egg. This female egg when it comes in contact with the male sperm or male egg, fertilization may occur and a woman can become pregnant. But, in PCOS patients, the male hormones prevent the growth and release of an egg from the ovary. So, if you don’t ovulate, you can’t get pregnant.

  • Acne:

As PCOS disrupts the signals from the pituitary gland to produce the appropriate quantity of androgens, estrogen, and progesterone. Due to the hormonal imbalance, the more than normal i.e. higher levels of male hormones trigger acne in the women. The rise in male hormones leads to an increase in sebum production, and, hence, one may suffer from acne.

  • Hirsutism:

Plenty of male hormones lead to unwanted, excessive thick hair growth on undesirable parts of the body, such as the face, chest, around nipples, abdomen, and upper thighs.

  • Hair Loss:

Some of the PCOS patients may experience hair fall, thinning of the hair, or hair loss which is referred to as female pattern baldness. It occurs due to the effects of male hormones.

  • Skin tags & Acanthosis nigricans

Besides acne, one may also suffer from skin tags, which are excess of skin flaps either on the neck or armpit. And, one may develop thick dark velvety patches on the neck known as acanthosis nigricans.

  • Mood swings:

Women with PCOS experience more mood swings, anxiety episodes, and depression.

The studies have found links between PCOS and other health problems, such as diabetes, hypertension, sleep apnea, high cholesterol, and Endometrial cancer. A delay in the diagnosis of PCOS may lead to serious health problems. So, if you notice any of the symptoms mentioned above, talk to your doctor and do the necessary investigations that will help to diagnose your problem properly.

If you happen to suffer from PCOS any time, count on homeopathy without a second thought. Homeopathy is quite effective in treating PCOS remarkably and safely without any side-effects.

  Got Questions? Get answers to all the questions regarding your ailment from Dr. Shah directly. Click here.


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