Is your baby cranky and crying? Do your baby constantly want to be picked up?  Have your checked your toddler’s gums, are they tender and swelled up with redness? So, your parents need not worry !!! it’s a natural Phenomenon where baby’s teeth erupt through the gums.

It usually begins between 6 – 24 months of age. There is a pattern of early, average, or late teethers, and these toddlers need extra attention.

Switch to the homeopathic mode of treatment which is safe for your toddlers who have just started teething. Homeopathy is always safe and suitable for giving babies and children, it can be given along with conventional treatment. There are not any side effects.

You as a parent need to understand your toddler and gauge the problem so that it can be treated from the root cause. Sometimes it’s difficult to elicit from a child his or her difficulties but it can be observed from physical symptoms. When your toddler is about 6 – 12 months old and the process of appearance of baby’s milk teeth through the gums started, it’s made your child irritable, cranky, changing behaviors, wanting to place fingers or objects in the mouth to reduce pain.


Facts you should know about teething homeopathic medicines.

  1. Babies respond very quickly to homeopathic medicine.
  1. In Children medicine administration is easily in drops, globules, or in powder form.
  1. If the baby is on breastfeeding it often helpful to give medicine to mother on her symptoms and constitutions.
  1. Homeopathic medicines providing harmless support and cure throughout the various stages of childhood.
  1. The holistic homeopathic approach is very helpful in young developing children.
  1. It’s like a boon for toddlers to treat them symptomatically were difficult to elicit there suffering in their words.

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Sign and Symptoms of Teething Baby’s

  1. Discomfort on gums and jaw.
  2. Gums area may be slightly red, tender, and swollen.
  3. Sometimes the fluid-filled area may be seen over erupting tooths.
  4. Excessive drooling.
  5. Discomfort
  6. Disturbed sleep
  7. Rubbing cheek and ear area
  8. Molar teeth are more likely to be painful and causing discomfort due to their large surface area.
  9. Mild rash around the mouth due to skin irritations.
  10. Fussiness that’s on & off.
  11. Putting fingers or objects in the mouth.
  12. Foods refusal due to pain and soreness of gums.
  13. Crying and may have a low-grade fever.


Myths of teething symptoms:

Research has not shown any causal relationship between teething and below symptoms.

  1. High-grade fever more than 101 F is not associated with teething.
  2. Vomiting
  3. Prolonged fussiness
  4. Rashes over the body
  5. Diarrhea
  6. Runny nose and cough


Home Tips for Teething Child

  1. Ginger juice

Apply ginger juice on Swollen gums It has natural anti-inflammatory properties that soothing nerve ending of gums and reduce pain.


  1. Cloves Or clove essential oils

It reduces pain and inflammation,  numbing sensitive areas.


  1. Vanilla extract

Soak a cotton swab with vanilla extract and apply on gums,  it will reduce pain

Warm up the gums.


  1. Licorice root

Licorice Root herb numbs the painful gums.


  1. Facial Massage

Give a massage on cheeks on a circular motion to give relief from pain.


  1. Honey

Give a gentle massage on swollen painful gums, it reduces hardness and congestion on gums and make It soft.


Homeopathic Remedies for Teething

  1. Aconitum napelus

Teething with flushed face, fearful agitated. Gums are inflamed, restlessness with disturbed sleep.

Baby seems very agitated.


  1. Calcarea carbonica

Chubby babies with a large head, slow to learn to crawl or walk, Indicated for late teethers, difficult and slow eruptions of a tooth. Babies seem anxious and pressing his gums together and making a chewing motion of the jaw.


  1. Calcarea phosphorica

Works well on early tooth decay, the child is irritable, allergies with many food items.

The slow growth of tooths, difficulties in sleeping, and eating.


  1. Chamomilla

Extremely angry and irritable, pain is unbearable, agitating and screaming

Wants to be carried constantly. The child doesn’t allow to touch his mouth as gums are so tender. Greenish diarrhea due to teething stress.


  1. Coffea cruda

Pain is relieved by holding something cold on them.


  1. Ignatia

Suited well to emotional, sad, and upset children due to pain.


  1. Silica 

Difficulty in teething which makes babies tired and nervous easily sweats low resistance to cold, babies with fine hair, and seems a little delicate.


  1. Pulsatilla

Babies with tearful disposition due to painful teething. Complaint increasing by warmth. Cold food and drinks bring relief. Better in the open air.


  1. Kreosote

Tooth decay soon after coming with severe discomfort and profuse salivation.


  1. Magnesium phosphoricum.

Very helpful in painful teething which gets relief by pressing painful areas and by warm applications.


  1. Phytolacca

Constantly pressing his or her gums Very hard, pain full dentition.


  1. Belladonna


Best supportive medicine to reduce pain and swelling.

There are plenty of homeopathic medicines that work wonderfully on teething children.

It promotes the growth of too soft teeth and prevents cavities and decay of tooths.

Many people depend completely on homeopathy and nutrition in raising their families without taking a single drug ever.

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