irritable bowel syndrome treatmentIrritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a condition with different symptoms like stomach discomfort, diarrhea, constipation, cramps, pain and urgency to pass stool after food due to irritation of intestines. IBS doesn’t usually lead to more serious conditions, like inflammatory bowel disease or cancer. But, it is a long term disease.

Irritable bowel syndrome treatment requires not only medication but counseling as well. In many people, the cause of IBS is psychological where apart from medication, psychological correction is required. This doesn’t mean that every case is a psychiatric case. Staying calm with a positive attitude and facing life with a belief that no problem remains for life long can help your IBS.

Certain diet and lifestyle corrections can aid your IBS treatment:


Certain research studies show that some people with IBS experience improvement in their loose motions if they stop consuming gluten (i.e. wheat, barley and rye). However, the evidence for this is not very clear and this recommendation remains controversial.


Certain people are sensitive to specific types of carbohydrates such as fructose, fructans, lactose and others, collectively called FODMAPs (short for Fermentable Oligo-, Di-, and Monosaccharides and Polyols). These FODMAPs are found in certain grains, vegetables, fruits and dairy products. You may get relief from your IBS symptoms by beginning on a strict low FODMAP diet and then reintroducing foods one at time.


Fibre can be a mixed blessing in people suffering from IBS. Whole grains, fruits, vegetables and beans are common fibre rich foods. Though fibre helps bring down constipation, it can worsen crampy pains and gas. Slowly increasing the fiber content in your diet over few weeks is the best approach. You may find that you are better off by limiting the dietary fiber and substituting it with a fiber supplement that causes less gas and bloating.


Avoid foods that increase your symptoms. Common triggers include chocolate, alcohol, dairy products, medicines and beverages containing caffeine like coffee and sodas, and sugar-free sweeteners like mannitol or sorbitol.

Gassy Foods:

If you have a tendency for gas troubles (bloating or passing gas), avoid fatty foods, cauliflower, beans, broccoli and cabbage. Your gas may be due to swallowing air when you frequently chew gum or drink through a straw or consume carbonated drinks and sodas. These dietary changes can largely aid your IBS treatment.

Meal Times:

Try to maintain the same time meal times every day and avoid skipping meals. If you have loose motions, eat small, frequent meals. Conversely if you’re constipated, consume larger quantities of high-fiber foods to help move food through your intestines.


Substitute milk with curds if you’re lactose intolerant. Alternately you may combine milk with other foods or consume milk in small quantities. If your symptoms force you to stop dairy foods entirely, ensure that you get plenty of proteins, calcium and B vitamin from other sources.


Try to drink plenty of fluids every day, mainly water. This will reduce gas, bloating and constipation.


Exercising helps reduce stress and depression and stimulates the normal contractions of your intestines.

IBS has a significant impact on a patient’s personal, professional and social life. Homeopathy at Lifeforce offers treatment where patient’s body and mind both are considered. Homeopathy addresses a person’s stress, psychological background, their coping mechanism to stress and sensitivity of intestine which results in successful irritable bowel syndrome treatment. Contact Dr Rajesh Shah at Lifeforce today to learn how your Irritable Bowel Syndrome can be treated with homoeopathy.


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