IS HOMEOPATHY A SOLUTION FOR CONSTANT BURNING IN THE MOUTH!!!All you need to know about burning mouth syndrome with the top 5 homeopathic remedies !!!

If you have developed a constant burning sensation inside your mouth without any cause or have any ulcers or lesions in your mouth, you could perhaps be having a condition called Burning mouth syndrome. Here homeopathy steps in where allopathy cannot treat this solution. Homeopathy works wonders from the root cause by treating the ulcers or whatever may be the cause. Read ahead to find a solution!!!



What is burning mouth syndrome-

In this condition, the patient feels a constant burning pain as if scalded by drinking very hot liquids like tea or coffee. This burning sensation is felt on the front half of the tongue inner side of the cheeks, gums, the hard palate or roof of the mouth, inner side of the lips. This could either develop suddenly or gradually. On examination, there is no redness, blisters, or ulcers seen. Also though there is a burning sensation the parts do not actually feel hot to touch.

Although not life-threatening, burning mouth syndrome has a significant impact on the quality of life of the patient because of the continuous unpleasant burning sensation. The patient may lose appetite, become irritable or feel depressed due to the condition.

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Why does one get burning mouth syndrome-Reach the root cause

Burning mouth syndrome could happen without any traceable/identifiable cause or sometimes there could be an underlying cause to the condition. It includes –

  • Hormonal imbalance- as seen around the time of menopause and post-menopause. This is the reason that burning mouth syndrome is commonly seen in perimenopausal women and post-menopausal women. Around menopause as the levels of estrogen hormone reduce, there is also a decrease in saliva production leading to symptoms of dry mouth, burning, and a metallic taste.
  • Anxiety, and depression – is the second major cause of a burning mouth syndrome-Here the patient will burning mouth while awake and would be symptom-free when asleep.
  • Abnormal function of the nerves that carry the sensation of taste and temperature
  • Due to nutritional deficiencies- such as vitamin b 12, iron, and zinc deficiency.
  • Allergy to certain chemicals present in toothpaste and mouthwash
  • Allergy to the material of dentures
  • Conditions causing damage to the tongue such as ill-fitting dentures, over-brushing the tongue, a habit of pushing the tongue between teeth while swallowing, taking acidic drinks, etc
  • Dry mouth syndrome- caused because of less production of saliva, seen in people with salivary glands dysfunction, conditions blocking the salivary ducts could experience dry mouth
  • Patients on cancer treatment undergoing radiotherapy could also experience dry mouth
  • Diabetes- prolonged increase in blood sugar levels could damage the nerves causing neuropathy and hence burning mouth syndrome.
  • Oral thrush could cause a burning sensation in the mouth.
  • If the burning sensation also extends to the throat, the cause could be acid reflux
  • If the condition is on and off, one could also suspect food allergies. In this case, one needs to maintain the food diary
  • Certain autoimmune conditions like Oral Lichen Planus, Autoimmune Thyroiditis, and Sjogren’s syndrome would also cause a burning sensation in the mouth.
  • Could also be drug-induced. Medicines such as those given for high blood pressure.


Are you confused about the causes of burning in the mouth? Well, the major reason for burning mouth issues these days brings about a concern for an auto-immune disorder called “ORAL LICHEN PLANUS.” Oral lichen planus homeopathic medicines  work best in treating burning mouth issues as compared to conventional medications.

You can opt for an oral lichen planus treatment homeopathy plan at Life Force to treat the issues of burning mouth syndrome.

Are you confused about the causes of burning in the mouth? Well, the major reason for burning mouth issues these days brings about a concern for an auto-immune disorder called “ORAL LICHEN PLANUS.” Oral lichen planus homeopathic medicines work best in treating burning mouth issues as compared to conventional medications.

You can opt for an oral lichen planus treatment homeopathy plan at Life Force to treat the issues of burning mouth syndrome.

 Symptoms of burning mouth syndrome –

  • Burning pain in mouth for a long time. It could be mild, moderate, or severe depending on the pain tolerance thresh hold of the patient. Also, it could be continuous, increase/decrease as the day progresses/ better at night/ intermittent. The patient could be free of the burning sensation on some days and on other days it could be continuously
  • The sensation of a dry mouth
  • Metallic taste in the mouth or there could be a loss of taste
  • Besides this patients could also exhibit the symptoms of the underlying condition that is causing burning pain, like anemia and certain nutritional deficiencies the tongue could be bald, oral lichen there could be a lacy pattern inside the mouth, presence of oral thrush, redness in case of abrasion of the tongue, mood and emotional disturbances in case of anxiety and depression.


How is the condition diagnosed –

History, examination. The doctor may order certain tests to rule out other disorders if he suspects any like blood tests for nutritional deficiencies, thyroid issues, autoimmune conditions, skin biopsy, CT scan or MRI brain to rule out any tumors that are causing abnormal sensations.


    8 Self-care tips for burning mouth syndrome –

    1-Suck ice chips to temporarily relieve the burning

    2-Keep on drinking sips of cold water

    3-Change your toothpaste. EG- some patients may develop an allergy to the use of fluoridated toothpaste or mouthwash. You can switch on to non-fluoridated toothpaste or mouthwash to see if it helps.

    4-If the burning in the mouth is on and off, try to maintain a diary to see which of your activities is triggering the problem.

    5-If you have anxiety issues, practice meditation, and relaxation techniques

    6-Increase intake of fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, fish, and chicken in case you have been experiencing nutritional deficiencies. Your doctor will also prescribe multivitamins and iron supplements to correct this deficiency.

    7-Discuss with your doctor to see if the burning mouth is because of the present medications prescribed and if he could change the medications.

    8-If the burning in the mouth is since the time you put on the new dentures, speak to your dentist about it.


    Can homeopathy help in burning mouth syndrome –

    Homeopathy does have treatment for burning mouth syndrome. It will not just treat the condition but also help to correct the underlying cause of this condition. The response to the treatment varies from patient to patient depending on the cause of the condition. Below are the commonly indicated medicines for burning the mouth.


    Arsenic Alb-Burning pain is characteristic of this remedy which is better by warmth. Stitching and burning pain in the tongue. It is clean, dry, and red. Marked anxiety about one’s own health and fear of death. Restlessness with weakness. The patient is aggravated at midnight.

    Cantharis-great burning in the mouth and throat. Scalded feeling. The tongue is deeply furred with red edges and covered with fluid-filled eruptions. The patient has difficulty swallowing liquids. affected parts are oversensitive to touch with raw burning pains

    Iris-Mouth and tongue feel as if scalded. There is increased salivation, ropy, and drops when talking. throat and stomach feel as if on fire. Dryness of mouth in the morning. Food tastes flat or acidic, later on sweet.

    Sanguinaria– Heat in the mouth as if from peppers. Slight acrid and burning sensation in the mouth. Roughness and dryness in the mouth and throat. The patient develops ulcers on the sides of the tongue.

    Taraxicum -The patient has a mapped tongue. There is a white coating on the tongue which comes off in patches leaving red sensitive spots. The patient has a bitter taste in their mouth.


    In case you have burning mouth syndrome and want to know more, do write to us or contact us.  We shall be glad to help you.

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