Chronic pain that affects the trigeminal nerve is known as trigeminal neuralgia. In simple words, it means it affects the nerves. The ophthalmic branch, the maxillary branch, and the mandibular branch are the three divisions of the trigeminal nerve, the fifth-head nerve that supplies the face. Any one or all three of the nerve’s branches could be harmed. The nerve injury may result in severe, scorching pain that seems like it is stabbing you in the back. Usually, the pain occurring due to this condition affects only one side of the face. A blood artery that is putting pressure on the Trigeminal nerve root is believed to be one of the causes of this.


Types of Trigeminal Neuralgia

  • Typical trigeminal neuralgia is characterized by recurrent episodes of electric shock-like facial pain on either side of the face that may be brought on by particular activities including talking, chewing, or cleaning one’s teeth.
  • Atypical trigeminal neuralgia: Patients with this condition have persistent, heavy, dull, aching, or burning pain in one area of the face that worsens gradually.

Symptoms of Trigeminal Neuralgia

Severe discomfort that feels like an electric shock is experienced. Light contact, chewing, or exposure to the cold may make it worse. Affected people shield their faces during an attack to prevent them from being touched. This is a crucial diagnostic clue because people who have many other pain disorders, such as toothaches, often rub or grasp their faces to reduce pain.


While the person may only experience one pain attack, they may endure sharp pain repeatedly every few hours or perhaps just once every few seconds. In between episodes, the person experiences no symptoms and the pain vanishes. However, people can become very upset out of concern that the excruciating pain may recur. In contrast to migraines, which frequently cause a person to wake up, trigeminal neuralgia rarely strikes when a person is asleep.

  • Pain is lancinating (sharp)
  • Pain is transient (intermittent)
  • The trigeminal nerve must be present somewhere in the area of pain
  • Remission exists
  • Response to antiepileptic drugs like Tegretol (Carbamazepine) or others can be used as a diagnostic tool.
  • The pain is set off.


Possible pain triggers include:

  • Touching your face, blowing your nose, shaving, or brushing your teeth.
  • Facial movements such as chewing or talking
  • Temperature such as chilly breezes or drinking hot or cold liquids, and washing with cold water.

Homeopathy Treatment for Trigeminal Neuralgia

The majority of Trigeminal Neuralgia cases respond well to homeopathy. The numerous refractory Trigeminal Neuralgia patients can also be treated with homeopathy successfully. It may be taken in addition to the medications that the neuro doctor has advised. It is risk-free, non-toxic, safe, and does not conflict with any other medications. The fundamental cause of nerve injury is under control with homeopathic treatment.


Every patient is assessed based on their case history, and the appropriate solution is chosen after doing a thorough examination. Silicea, Mezereum, Spigelia, Phosphorous, and Aurum metallicum are a few of the treatments that are frequently suggested for trigeminal neuralgia. It is not advisable to take these medications unless a homeopathic doctor advises you to.


The frequency, length, and severity of Trigeminal neuralgia episodes can be reduced with the aid of homeopathic remedies. These medicines are completely safe, do not interact with traditional medications, and seem to be a successful alternative form of treatment. Even when used as a long-term treatment, homeopathic medications serve to regulate the underlying process of nerve degeneration without causing any side effects.


In some circumstances, the dependence on traditional drugs can be decreased, and the dose of those medications can be weaned finally. Some individuals who began homeopathy early can successfully quit conventional medicine for an extended length of time.


After taking homeopathic medications, the pain’s frequency and intensity are reduced. Once one begins the homeopathic treatment, it is anticipated that the frequency, severity, and length of attacks will decrease. When Trigeminal Neuralgia sufferers take homeopathic medications, their pain threshold increases. Lowering the dose, once the improvement starts, helps reduce the dependence on traditional drugs. This should be carried out gradually and under the guidance of a homeopathic physician.


Trigeminal Neuralgia is a chronic condition; thus, the homeopathic treatment would be ongoing. In between four and six weeks, the majority of patients would demonstrate amelioration or improvement in relief. Several factors may affect how long the treatment will last. An aberrant electrical discharge in the nerves is the cause of trigeminal neuralgia. The precise cause is still not yet clear.


Some homeopathic medications for Trigeminal Neuralgia:

  • Magnesium phosphoricum 200 is a great medication to treat facial neuralgia on the right side of the face. When the pains suddenly affect like lightning, this medication is indicated. If the body becomes chilly or the area is exposed to the cold, the pain will worsen. Applying warmth and pressure to the area of pain can make it feel better.
  • Colocynthis is quite effective for face neuralgia, particularly on the left side, where symptoms affect like they are tearing or stitching. Most pain is felt around the eye. Hard pressure, rest, and warm treatments relieve pain. The attack can turn worse around 10 pm.
  • Dulcamara works wonders for face neuralgia, which gets worse with even a little exposure to the cold. A tearing sensation in the cheek that radiates to the ear, orbit, and jaw, and when it is accompanied by body coldness and canine hunger, this medicine is recommended.
  • Belladonna works wonders for right-sided facial neuralgia, particularly when the face is swollen and extremely hot. Here, there is significant, violent muscular twitching that goes along with the pain. An additional significant symptom is a blood rush to the brain. Another type of pain is when it occurs suddenly, goes away quickly, and then comes back around 3 o’clock. Drafts and motion make pains worse, particularly during eating.


Trigeminal Neuralgia cases from the recently diagnosed condition might react more quickly. Homeopathic treatment is more effective for patients who have not been taking conventional medications. Patients who have nerve compression could take longer to recover. It may be more difficult to treat and take longer to respond to when linked to multiple sclerosis. So, if you experience any symptoms of trigeminal neuralgia, seek homeopathy treatment at the earliest for quick and better relief.


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