Some people start experiencing horrible aches and pains after some stressful events in life, and they keep on wondering what caused it. Illness results due to giving thought to unwanted topics and feeling negative emotions. However, ignoring it, and maintaining attention on the unwanted feelings, then by the law of attraction, additional negative thoughts and experiences are attracted. The health problem is merely a sign of your vibration. A health problem is nothing but a physical indicator of energy out of balance. The stressful events or constant anxiety or worry disturbs the energy of the body, and this gives rise to physical illnesses which are known as psychosomatic disorders.

Psychosomatic is an interconnection between the psyche (mind) and soma (body). As per research, psychosomatic disorder cases are increasing currently. Physical diseases and your emotions are linked closely. Psychosomatic disorders are real physical illnesses that appear to have a psychological cause. Such disorders are characterized by physical symptoms without any identifiable physical cause. They cannot be fully explained by a neurological or organic condition. Psychosomatic disorders are illnesses that are medically unexplainable or disproportionate to the pathology. If you don’t have psychological sickness or stress, you cannot suffer from psychosomatic ailments. Psychosomatic have a physical premise yet are to a great extent brought about by mental factors, for example, stress and uneasiness.

The factors which lead to psychosomatic disorders are mental strains, dissatisfactions, instability, constant worry, aimlessness, social detachment, work troubles, absence of fulfillment, absence of emotions, etc. These are among the most harmful stressors. In such circumstances, when one doesn’t share their emotions and won’t take help of anyone and if there is no one to help then the body of the patient itself starts to cope up with these feelings. It will divert the issues from outside into substantial inward that is the transition of psyche problems in the physical body. A detailed psychosomatic investigation has indicated that such emotions cause headaches, peptic ulcers, respiratory failures, hypertension, mental illnesses, suicide, or just sadness and misery.

Based on the personality traits and susceptibility to the disease, one may be prone to a particular type of illness.

The next is the rundown of feelings that prompts particular major illnesses:

1) Anger: High circulatory strain causing hypertension, heart ailments, coronary artery diseases, and stroke

2) Repressed indignation: Headache, interminable back agony, and fibromyalgia

3) Anxiety: Irritable gut condition and heart palpitations

4) Resentment: Autoimmune ailments such as rheumatoid joint pain, lupus, psoriasis, lichen planus, and vitiligo

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Symptoms of Psychosomatic disorders:

Here are some common symptoms of psychosomatic disorders.

1) Sad empty mood

2) Anxiety

3) Irritable

4) Short-tempered

5) Hopelessness/helplessness

6) A loss of interest

7) Headaches

8) Fatigue

9) Decreased concentration

10) Diminished memory

11) A change in appetite

12) Weight loss or weight gain

13) Suicidal or morbid thoughts

14) Easily irritated

15) Digestive disorders

16) Back pain

17) Aches and pain are frequent, more prevalent in girls than boys

18) Symptoms that mimic neurological disorders, such as double vision, poor balance and coordination, paralysis, and seizures

19) Perceived physical deformities or defects

20) Sore muscles

21) Often accompanied by academic problems, school refusal, social withdrawal, anxiety, and behavioral problems

22) Painful menstrual cycle or pain during intercourse

22) Recurrent forced deep inspiration followed by a prolonged and, often, audible sigh

23) Feeling the incomplete breath despite sighing

24) Shallow respiration

25) Palpitation

26) Feeling dizzy or giddy

27) Feel tired even when not working

28) Pain in the chest or heart

29) Trembling or shaking

30) Buzzing or noise in the ears or head

31) Breathlessness

32) Frequent infections

33) Muscle twitch


Treatment of Psychosomatic Disorders: 

Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) is often the treatment of decision for a psychosomatic issue.

Specialists and different doctors work for the most part in mobilizing the patient to change conduct/behavior which helps in recovery. This may include a change in lifestyle (for instance, going on vacations), a more specific behavioral change (for instance, giving up smoking and alcohol), eating a balanced diet, regularly exercising, and following relaxation techniques like meditation and yoga.

Besides this specific medicine, considering the underlying symptoms or diseases; for instance, analgesics for pain, antiallergic medicines for allergies, or psychotropic medication, etc.


Role of Homeopathy in Treating Psychosomatic Disorders: 

Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of Homeopathy, has described the concept of vital force. The vital force is a dynamic energy that keeps us alive and maintains our organs and systems in a harmony. When we fall ill, there is a derangement of this vital force. Constant worry or stress disturbs this vital force first, after which there is a physical manifestation of the disease in the form of signs and symptoms. Thus, it is the vital force that is affected first.

The role of homeopathic medicines is to help balance this deranged or disturbed vital force, thereby promoting the proper functioning of mind and body and restoring the body to normal health. The homeopathic medicines act on psyche levels and help to cope up with negative emotions. Homeopathic medicines are safe and free from side effects and are not habit-forming, unlike conventional medicines.

If you are not certain whether the torment is physical or psychosomatic then talk to your doctor. Let it out, whatever is bothering you or it’ll kill you! A weak body can carry a strong mind, but a weak mind can’t carry a strong body. Negative feelings can create chaos in your sensory system, yet positive feelings do the opposite. The positive feelings can expand the brain’s capacity to make sound judgments, boost the immune system by concentrating on positive feelings, and make physiological advantages in your body. Cheer up, and don’t forget there’s nothing you can’t handle. Have a calm and happy mind.


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