Anal Fissure is a cut or a tear in the lining (mucosa) of the anus that extends upwards in the anal canal which is quite painful. It has been observed that most patients are not even aware of the diagnosis because they are reluctant to discuss such pain or symptoms openly. An anal fissure can affect people of any age group but is usually observed in individuals who suffer from chronic constipation, such as infants or young children.


Symptoms of Anal Fissure:

The patients of anal fissure complain of:

  1. Sharp pain in the anal region during defecation.
  2. Bright red bleeding during or after passing the stools.
  3. Burning pain or itching after passing stools that can last for hours together
  4. A small lump of the skin or a skin tag near the tear.
  5. There can be discharge or itching in cases of long-standing Fissures indicating an infection.


Causes of Anal Fissure:

The most common cause of Anal fissure is Constipation. Chronic constipation with hard stools causes repeated friction or trauma in the anal region that leads to the formation of a Fissure, usually, in the rear part of the anus.

Other less commonly observed causes are certain diseases, such as Inflammatory Bowel Disease, excessive straining during passing the stools, childbirth, excessive use of purgatives, anal intercourse, etc.


Usually, a Fissure heals on its own in 4-6 weeks by doing certain changes in your diet and lifestyle. However, if the underlying cause is not addressed, it may turn into a chronic deeper, non-healing fissure and may even lead to complications, such as infection, abscess, or fistula, that are even more painful. Such cases may need surgery.

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LifeForce Homeopathy

5 Easy Yet Effective Home Remedies for Anal Fissure:

Luckily, there are some simple measures that you can follow to relieve the horrifying and embarrassing pain and that can also help in healing your Fissures and preventing its recurrences.

You can try the following natural remedies:


  1. Olive Oil

The mixture of olive oil, honey, and beeswax in equal amounts is heated until it melts completely. Then it is allowed to cool down. Applying it to the affected area provides lubrication, prevents the inflammation, and reduces the symptoms of itching, bleeding, and pain.


  1. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera has anti-inflammatory as well as wound-healing properties that can ease your symptoms and repair the damaged tissue.

Scoop out the natural gel from the plant or buy the organic one from the market and apply it locally twice or thrice a day.


  1. Coconut Oil:

The time-honored home remedy i.e. coconut oil has proved its efficacy in treating several conditions. It also helps in treating anal fissures as well. Simply apply virgin coconut oil on the affected area and it helps promote healing.


  1. Warm Sitz Bath:

A warm sitz bath provides excellent relief in all your symptoms and discomfort. All you need to do is clean your bathtub thoroughly, fill it with warm water, and immerse your buttocks in it. Add a few drops of essential lavender oil.


  1. Apple Cider Vinegar:

Apple cider vinegar helps in improving your digestion and bowel movements due to the presence of fiber called Pectin.

Mix a tablespoon of Apple Cider Vinegar into a glass of water with a little honey and have it twice a day.


As the main cause in most cases of an anal fissure is Constipation, following a diet that regulates your bowel movements and preventing straining can help. Hydrating yourself well and including fiber-rich foods gradually in your diet are some basic measures.

You can refer this link for detailed guidelines:

How To Get Rid Of Constipation At Home


Above mentioned simple remedies can relieve your distressing pain when followed with good compliance. If despite these measures, the pain is still troubling you, it is best to seek the help of your doctor. Homeopathy offers effective and long-lasting relief in the discomforting Anal Fissures. You can visit for more details or reach us at 022-66888888 for better guidance.


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