Stress and anxiety are natural by-products of modern life. Yet, for some people, it is a concerning issue that begins to interfere with their routine life. It is natural to feel scared before an interview or anxious about some things, but it is not customary to let that fear control your life. If your worry and stress interfere with your daily life, you may have an anxiety condition. When anxiety takes the center stage in one’s life, even the smallest tasks appear daunting. It progresses into a psychological problem that requires immediate treatment and assistance. Anxiety can cause symptoms such as muscle tension, headaches, fast breathing, tremors, changes in appetite, and sleeping problems.


Anxiety problems can be treated. After effective management, most people with anxiety disorders lead normal productive lives. Treating anxiety disorder necessitates a smart combination of three elements: patient involvement, the role of the counsellor or doctor, and appropriate medication.


Types of Anxiety

Anxiety disorders are classified into the following categories:

      • General anxiety
      • Panic attack (regular sudden attacks of panic or fear)
      • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
      • Anxiety Disorder in Social Situations
      • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
      • Particular Fears (overwhelming and incapacitating fear of a specific object, place, situation, or feeling)


Signs & Symptoms of Anxiety

Here’s a quick rundown of symptoms and signs of anxiety.

      • Feeling uneasy, agitated, or tense
      • Feelings of impending danger, terror, or disaster
      • Having a faster heart rate
      • Rapid breathing (hyperventilation)
      • Sweating
      • Trembling
      • Feeling exhausted or weak
      • Having difficulty sleeping
      • Having gastrointestinal (GI) issues
      • Having difficulties controlling your anxiety
      • Uneasiness


    Diagnosis Of Anxiety

    Anxiety disorders are clinically diagnosed by a physician using a complete case history and physical examination of the patient. There are no laboratory tests available to diagnose anxiety disorders. A doctor may recommend tests to rule out other medical illnesses that have symptoms similar to anxiety disorders.


    Various short-answer questionnaires, symptom checklists, and tests are available to help assess the symptoms, kinds, and severity of anxiety disorders. The patient may exhibit signs of more than one form of anxiety disorder at times.


    Homeopathy for Anxiety

    Homeopathy is a medical method founded on the idea of “like cures like.” In other words, a chemical that can induce specific symptoms in a healthy person can also be used to get rid of those same symptoms in a sick person. Homeopathic remedies are made by diluting a substance in water or alcohol and then mixing the mixture.


    It is a gentle and safe therapy option that can be combined with other treatments. Homeopathic medicines are personalized which means they are chosen depending on the symptoms of each specific patient. Homeopathy is highly efficient and recommended for the treatment of various anxiety conditions. Individualization underpins the prescription of homeopathic medicine for anxiety.


    When prescribing medications, the patient’s basic nature, mental state, symptoms of anxiety, stress coping strategies, childhood situations, family environment in childhood, family’s medical history, personal medical history, and social, personal, and professional ties all are considered. As a result, homeopathic medications work at a deeper level, assisting in the treatment of disease at its source.


    Homeopathic remedies are given to alleviate the discomforting symptoms of a patient in an anxious state. They lessen the number, length, and severity of panic attacks. Homeopathy enhances sleep and overall well-being. Homeopathy is a 100% risk-free treatment with no adverse effects. Homeopathic medicines are not habit-forming, and their use does not result in medication dependence.


    Regular use of homeopathic medicines gradually reduces the need for conventional medicine (anti-anxiety, antidepressant medications, and sleeping pills). Under the supervision of an expert homeopath, one may be able to gradually reduce or discontinue medications. The results are more encouraging when homeopathic treatment is combined with psychotherapy or counseling.


    4 Homeopathic Medicines Used for the Treatment of Anxiety

    • Kali Phosphoricum is a potassium phosphate that aids in the relief from anxiety attacks. This is appropriate for persons who are excessively agitated, overly sensitive, insecure, irritable, or depressed. It also aids in dealing with the aftereffects of sadness and fear. Anxiety-related physical illnesses such as weariness, dullness, and lack of energy can also be addressed with this bio-chemic salt.
    • Aconite Napellus is derived from the same-named purple flowering plant. It has a variety of applications, the most important of which is to alleviate anxiety. This is one of the most effective homeopathic treatments for panic attacks and post-traumatic anxiety. It also helps with the side symptoms of anxiety, such as memory loss, restlessness, hypersensitivity, and fury outbursts.
    • Arsenicum Album is a constitutional remedy that can be used to treat both chronic and acute disorders. This is effective for folks who are concerned about their safety and security. If difficulties like health, money, and break-ins are the root of your anxiety, this homeopathic medication is suitable for you. It also aids in the treatment of agitation.
    • Calcarea Carbonica is a homeopathic treatment derived from the central layer of sea shells that has a variety of uses. Calcarea Carbonica is an excellent anxiety remedy for persons who are afraid of change and are overly controlling. Excessive sweating occurs as a result of any exertion or stubbornness. These people are frequently terrified of animals and the dark, and they are easily confused.


    The majority of patients receiving treatment for Anxiety improve within the first four to six weeks of medication. Treatment length might range from eight months to two years or more, depending on the following factors:

        • The disease’s severity
        • Duration also matters as from the time when the person is suffering from anxiety
        • Other correlated psychological ailments include depression, personality disorders, compulsive tendencies, and so on.
        • Current and prior use of traditional pharmaceuticals, such as anti-anxiety and anti-depression pills, etc.


    If you’re seeking an alternative treatment for anxiety, consider homeopathy. Homeopathic treatments are gentle and harmless, and they can be extremely effective in the treatment of anxiety. If you want to use homeopathy for anxiety, please speak with a competent homeopath to identify the correct remedy for you. A professional homeopath will take a thorough history of your physical, mental, and emotional states. They will choose the best remedy based on this information.


    There are numerous methods for locating a homeopath. You might ask your friends and family for recommendations for good homeopaths in your region. You can also hunt for homeopaths in your neighborhood online. Another option is to seek advice from a homeopathic school or clinic. Finally, you can always search the internet for homeopaths in your area.



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