Dysmenorrhea is pain during menses. Some pain and discomfort are common during menses. When the pain is so discomforting that it affects the daily routine that you can’t work or go outside for school, college, or job then it is termed as Dysmenorrhea.

If pain is worse, painkillers can be taken, but, otherwise, most of the time home remedies are helpful. Dysmenorrhea may occur due to the congestion of blood in the pelvic area. So, avoid salty food, sugary food, or packaged foods. And, following some home remedies can help you alleviate the pain of dysmenorrhea significantly.

  1. Have a Warm Bath: A warm bath is very relaxing and helps you experience relief in the symptoms of Dysmenorrhea.
  2. Hot Fomentation is very effective. The muscles in the pelvic area or around the uterus that contract resulting in the pain and discomfort (Dysmenorrhea), and, in such cases, heat application relaxes the muscles of the pelvic region and helps relieve the pain.
  3. Ginger tea: Ginger has antioxidant properties. Also, ginger helps reduce prostaglandin levels in the blood (that leads to contraction or spasms in muscles in the pelvic region). So, a cup of ginger tea twice a day will help relieve dysmenorrhea.
  4. Garlic: Garlic has properties that reduce blood pressure. So, having garlic in diet can help reduce congestion during Dysmenorrhea. Boiling a few pods of garlic in water and having it twice a day can help relieve dysmenorrhea.
  5. Asafetida: It has antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory properties. So, you can relieve spasms (Dysmenorrhea) with asafetida. Include it in your daily diet. Or, fry it in a little ghee and have it twice or thrice a day can help relieve dysmenorrhea.
  6. Plenty of water intake: Drink plenty of water during your menses; it naturally detoxifies your body.
  7. Exercise: Light exercises increase circulation and relieve dysmenorrhea. Practicing some yoga asanas regularly may also help.

Causes of Dysmenorrhea may be congestion in the pelvic region, spasms of the cervix, or due to more complicated conditions such as endometriosis.

If bleeding is more, clots are more, and, if you have a medical condition, such as Endometriosis or PCOD or Polyps or Fibroids, it’s better to take medical advice. If you have Dysmenorrhea along with any of the above conditions, consult your physician.

Homeopathy works very wonderfully in treating not only Dysmenorrhea but also any underlying medical condition mentioned above.

At Life Force, we have good experience of treating Dysmenorrhea with any medical conditions along with it.

So, if any time you happen to suffer from Dysmenorrhea, home remedies may help you obtain relief, and, also, count on homeopathy without a second thought.


  • Written by Dr. Shilpa Vanarase, Associate doctor to Dr. Rajesh Shah



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